SKSA Special Events
No events are currently scheduled. We value your input. Please Contact us with suggestions for improvement of our events or ideas for new activities we can provide. Below are details on some of our past events.

LI Paddlesport Symposium: This was a 5-year project that ended in 2009. LI Paddlesport V was a labor of love for the sport of paddling designed to bring together paddlers of all levels with educators and luminaries in the sport. Prompted by the deaths of two young paddlers off the coast of Massachusetts, Elizabeth went to the NY State Boating department and the US Coast Guard to see what could be done - LI Paddlesport was born of that inquiry. Each succeeding year brought more success for the event until it ended with our move to Connecticut in 2009. LI Paddlesport V was a great success! Thank you to the more than 500 participants who attended. Special thanks to the many speakers, demonstrators, organizations and volunteers who worked hard to make Paddlesport happen. We had a great run!
Starting in 2012 a new version of Paddlesport has been imitated in New Haven, CT. Please follow this event at Changing Tides PaddleCraft.
SKSA Event Organization
Paddling Event Organization is an area of expertise and specialization at SKSA. We have organized many large paddling events from LI Paddlesport to destination training weekends. We generally start work on an event 6 months or more prior to the date, bringing together supporters, arranging for publicity and soliciting participants. If you have an idea for an event or would like our help putting together the event of your choice, please contact us.